
IOL Lab seminar 2019–2021
Seminar talks in the years 2019–2021, mostly joint with Combinatorial Optimization & Graph Algorithms group at Technical University Berlin
IOL Lab - COVID-19
Simple predictions for the spread of COVID-19 pandemic based on past data, not suitable for decision making.
IOL Lab - COVID-19 for Berlin
Simple predictions for the spread of COVID-19 pandemic in Berlin, not suitable for decision making
IOL Lab - COVID-19 in Berlin
Enfaches Vorhersagen des Verlaufs der COVID-19 Pandemie in Berlin, nur geignet für Unterstützung anderer Methoden.
IOL Lab - Zuse Fellows
Zuse Fellows of the Laboratory for Interactive Optimization and Learning
IOL Lab - Home
Introducing Laboratory for Interactive Optimization and Learning
IOL Lab - Join us
The Laboratory for Interactive Optimization and Learning is continuously searching for new members. Here is information on how to express your interest.
IOL Lab - Join us
IOL Lab - Projects
Research projects at the Laboratory for Interactive Optimization and Learning
IOL Lab - Publications
List of publications by members of Laboratory for Interactive Optimization and Learning
IOL Lab - Research Areas
Laboratory for Interactive Optimization and Learning focuses its research on optimization and learning with a wide perspective incorporating both traditional methods like conditional gradients and alternative computation models, as well as explainability of algorithmic outputs.
IOL Lab - Seminar
Seminar of the Interactive Optimization and Learning Lab at Technical University Berlin and Zuse Institute Berlin
IOL Lab - Seminar 2022-2023
Seminar of the Interactive Optimization and Learning Lab at Technical University Berlin and Zuse Institute Berlin in years 2022 and 2023
Zuse Research Seminar: Graduate Series
Seminar of the Interactive Optimization and Learning Lab at Technical University Berlin and Zuse Institute Berlin
IOL Lab - Team
A brief overview of members of Laboratory for Interactive Optimization and Learning
IOL Lab - Theses
Theses written as part of the Laboratory for Interactive Optimization and Learning
IOL Lab - Visitors
A brief overview of guests, visitors, and fellows of Laboratory for Interactive Optimization and Learning
IOL Lab - Aldo Kiem
Short profile of Aldo Kiem at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Alejandro Ramos
Short profile of Alejandro Ramos at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Alexander Hoen
Short profile of Alexander Hoen at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Alonso Urbano
Short profile of Alonso Urbano at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Antonia Chmiela
Short profile of Antonia Chmiela at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Arwed Steuer
Short profile of Arwed Steuer at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Berkant Turan
Short profile of Berkant Turan at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Christoph Graczyk
Short profile of Christoph Graczyk at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Christoph Spiegel
Short profile of Christoph Spiegel at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Christophe Roux
Short profile of Christophe Roux at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Deborah Hendrych
Short profile of Deborah Hendrych at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Felix Prause
Short profile of Felix Prause at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Gábor Braun
Short profile of Gábor Braun at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Gioni Mexi
Short profile of Gioni Mexi at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Ingo Meise
Short profile of Ingo Meise at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Jannis Halbey
Short profile of Jannis Halbey at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - João Dionísio
Short profile of João Dionísio at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Konrad Mundinger
Short profile of Konrad Mundinger at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Ksenia Bestuzheva
Short profile of Ksenia Bestuzheva at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Xu Liding
Short profile of Xu Liding at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Max Zimmer
Short profile of Max Zimmer at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Mohammed Ghannam
Short profile of Mohammed Ghannam at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Moritz Wagner
Short profile of Moritz Wagner at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Olaf Parczyk
Short profile of Olaf Parczyk at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Olivia Röhrig
Short profile of Olivia Röhrig at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Patrick Gelß
Short profile of Patrick Gelß at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Sai Ganesh Nagarajan
Short profile of Sai Ganesh Nagarajan at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Sebastian Knebel
Short profile of Sebastian Knebel at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Sebastian Pokutta
Short profile of Sebastian Pokutta at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Sébastien Designolle
Short profile of Sébastien Designolle at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Shpresim Sadiku
Short profile of Shpresim Sadiku at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Steven-Marian Stengl
Short profile of Steven-Marian Stengl at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Suresh Bolusani
Short profile of Suresh Bolusani at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Liu Ye-Chao
Short profile of Liu Ye-Chao at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Yves Jäckle
Short profile of Yves Jäckle at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Computational Mathematics
Research thrust Computational Mathematics at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Continuous Optimization
Research thrust Continuous Optimization at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Efficient and Sustainable AI
Research thrust Efficient and Sustainable AI at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Integer Optimization
Research thrust Integer Optimization at IOL Lab
IOL Lab - Quantum Mathematics
Research thrust Quantum Mathematics at IOL Lab
LEAN on Me: Transforming Mathematics Through Formal Verification, Improved Tactics, and Machine Learning
Approximating Combinatorial Optimization Problems
AI-Based High-Resolution Forest Monitoring
Learning to Schedule Heuristics in IP
JSPS Invitational Visiting Professor
Daten- Und Prozessbasierte Zustandsermittlung Für Eine Wertorientierte Komponentenbewirtschaftung in Imperfekter Umgebung
Entanglement Detection Via Frank-Wolfe Algorithms
Convex Solver Adaptivity for Mixed-integer Optimization
Beyond the Worst-case: Data-dependent Rates in Learning and Optimization
Sparsity and Sample-size Efficiency in Structured Learning
Decision-making for Energy Network Dynamics
Learning Extremal Structures in Combinatorics
Scaling Up Flag Algebras in Combinatorics
On a Frank-Wolfe Approach for Abs-smooth Optimization
Expanding Merlin-Arthur Classifiers: Interpretable Neural Networks Through Interactive Proof Systems
Adaptive Algorithms Through Machine Learning: Exploiting Interactions in Integer Programming
MiniMIP: a Faster, More Reliable, and Easier Way to Maintain and Solve MIP Problems
Research Campus MODAL SynLab
Quantum Computing and Integer Programming
Quantum Algorithms for Optimization
Scaling Methods for Integer Programming
Decomposition Methods for Mixed-integer Optimal Control
Theoretical Foundations of Deep Learning
Globally Optimal Neural Network Training