Join our group!
Are you passionate, independent, hardworking, and determined? We are always seeking new members to join our team and work on research projects spanning the spectrum between optimization and machine learning!
Our work demands a robust theoretical foundation and analytical skills in mathematical optimization and/or machine learning. Strong programming skills are highly desirable, including proficiency in languages such as Python, Julia, C, C++; Machine Learning frameworks like PyTorch or TensorFlow; and optimization tools like SCIP, Gurobi, and CPLEX.
Our lab is highly international, conducting all research in English, and Berlin is a city where English is widely spoken. We welcome interest from students and researchers worldwide for various positions in our group.
International student research visits (REU, PFE, TFG, ...)
What does this cover? Students from other universities interested in pursuing a two to six month research experience (usually over the summer) as part of their undergraduate or Master studies, e.g., through the US Research Experiences for Undergraduates, French Projet de Fin d'Études or Spanish Treball de Fi de Grau.
What are the requirements? A general background in mathematics, CS, or a related field is necessary, although students are also expected to learn a lot about their topic during the program.
Which topic to choose? Explore our current research to find which of the areas aligns with your interests. Our work spans theoretical to applied mathematical research, so indicate your preference.
When to contact us? We consider students for these programs on a rolling basis; if you are interested in one of the topics above, please reach out! We advise all students to reach out at least two to three months prior to their preferred start time; for international applicants who require a visa in addition to their passport to enter Germany, please contact us at least three to four months before your ideal start date.
What to include? You should include a brief CV (1-2 pages), your transcript or grades list, and a short motivational letter detailing your interests and desired research topic along with any additional information that you believe is relevant to your inquiry.
Funding and support. We currently cannot offer any funding for student research visits. Students are expected to arrange their own travel, housing, and visa processes, and should seek external funding sources, such as stipends, to cover these costs.
Bachelor and Master theses at a Berlin university
What does this cover? Supervision for Bachelor and Master theses in our group.
What are the requirements? You should be a student of one of the three universities in Berlin and your interests should align with our group's research, as you will be working closely with one of our doctoral or postdoctoral researchers. Please note that we generally do not offer nominal oversight supervisions for projects conducted outside degree-granting institutions. We have a limited number of slots each year to ensure focused supervision and priority is given to students who have attended TU courses offered by our group.
Which topic to choose? Explore our current research to find which of the areas aligns with your interests. Our work spans theoretical to applied mathematical research, so indicate your preference. For Master's theses, we encourage slightly more specific interests, perhaps stemming from a paper you covered in one of our seminars.
When to contact us? Standard durations are 3 months for Bachelor's and 6 months for Master's theses. However, we recommend getting in touch with our research group early on in your studies to help you develop your interests, familiarize yourself with academic research, and find a suitable research area for your thesis project. Note that once a thesis topic has been chosen, we expect the project to be executed in a timely fashion in accordance with the university's expectations.
What to include? You should include a brief CV (1-2 pages), your transcript or grades list, and a short motivational letter detailing your interests and desired research topic along with any additional information that you believe is relevant to your inquiry.
Funding and support. We have a limited number of paid student research positions (SHK) available at ZIB for research work in our group; this in particular can cover work related to, but clearly disjoint from, any work you may be doing while pursuing your degree.
PhD theses at a Berlin university
What does this cover? Research in our group as a PhD student of one of three universities in Berlin and as part of the Berlin Mathematical School as well as potential teaching activities at TU Berlin.
What are the requirements? A strong background in mathematics, computer science, or a related field and interests that align with our group's research are essential.
Which topic to choose? Explore our current research to find which of the areas aligns with your interests. Our work spans theoretical to applied mathematical research, so indicate your preference. For PhD inquiries, we expect very specific interests in one of our research areas, ideally stemming from prior experience such as a Master's thesis or research visit with us.
When to contact us? We review PhD inquiries on a rolling basis. If you are interested in one of our research areas or specific topics, please reach out. We advise all students to contact us at least 3 months prior to your preferred start time; for international applicants who require a visa in addition to their passport to enter Germany, please reach out at least 3-6 months before your ideal start date. Note that securing funding might take some time, especially for PhD positions. We strongly prefer candidates who have previously worked with us for a Master's thesis or during a research visit.
What to include? You should include a detailed CV, your academic transcripts, a research statement outlining your specific interests and how they align with our group's work, and any relevant publications or research experience. Letters of recommendation are also beneficial.
Funding and support. While we don't have open positions or guaranteed funding available for every inquiry, there are various sources of funding (MATH+ Excellence Cluster, MODAL research campus, DFG, BMS, etc.) that we explore on a case-by-case basis. We will work with promising candidates to identify suitable funding opportunities.
Postdoctoral research
What does this cover? Independent postdoctoral research, acquisition and managing of research projects, contributing to the collaborative environment of the lab, mentoring of students, and participation in teaching activities at TU Berlin.
What are the requirements? An excellent PhD thesis and existing research relevant to our group are essential.
Which topic to choose? Explore our current research to find which of the areas aligns with your interests. Our work spans theoretical to applied mathematical research. For postdoctoral researchers, we expect a high degree of autonomy in choosing research topics that can support ongoing projects and potentially guide students in our group. Your proposed research should complement and extend the existing work in our lab.
When to contact us? We review postdoctoral inquiries on a rolling basis. If your research interests align with one of our groups or topics, please reach out. We advise all interested researchers to contact us at least 3 months prior to your preferred start time; for international applicants who require a visa in addition to their passport to enter Germany, please reach out at least 3-6 months before your ideal start date.
What to include? You should include a detailed CV, a comprehensive research statement outlining your past work and future research plans, a list of publications, and contact information for references. Sample publications or your PhD thesis are also welcome.
Funding and support. While we don't have open positions or guaranteed funding available for every inquiry, there are various sources of funding (MATH+ Excellence Cluster, MODAL research campus, DFG, etc.) that we explore on a case-by-case basis. We will work with promising candidates to identify suitable funding opportunities.
If you are interested in working with us in any of the above capacities, send us an email to Please make sure to include all of the mentioned documents and information in your email.
We look forward to hearing from you!