Konrad Mundinger
I currently work on (approximately) solving large-scale PDE-constrained optimization problems using dynamic programming and physics-informed neural networks. This brings together many of my research interests, which include but are not limited to: Continuous (convex) optimization, Stochastics, Control Theory, Numerics of PDEs, and (Scientific) machine learning.
📬 Contact
- office
- Room 3027 at ZIB
- mundinger (at) zib.de
mundinger (at) math.tu-berlin.de - languages
- German, English, Polish, and Spanish
🎓 Curriculum vitae
- since 2023
- Researcher at TUB
- since 2023
- Member of BMS
- Dec 2020
- M.Sc. in Mathematics at TUB
- Mar 2017
- B.Sc. in Business Mathematics at TUB
📝 Publications and preprints
- Mundinger, K., Zimmer, M., Kiem, A., Spiegel, C., and Pokutta, S. (2025). Neural Discovery in Mathematics: Do Machines Dream of Colored Planes?
@misc{2025_MundingerZimmerKiemSpiegelPokutta_NeuralDiscovery, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {2501.18527}, primaryclass = {cs.LG}, year = {2025}, author = {Mundinger, Konrad and Zimmer, Max and Kiem, Aldo and Spiegel, Christoph and Pokutta, Sebastian}, title = {Neural Discovery in Mathematics: Do Machines Dream of Colored Planes?}, date = {2025-01-30} }
- Mundinger, K., Zimmer, M., and Pokutta, S. (2024). Neural Parameter Regression for Explicit Representations of PDE Solution Operators.
@misc{2024_MundingerZimmerPokutta_Neuralparameterregression, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {2403.12764}, primaryclass = {cs.LG}, year = {2024}, author = {Mundinger, Konrad and Zimmer, Max and Pokutta, Sebastian}, title = {Neural Parameter Regression for Explicit Representations of PDE Solution Operators}, date = {2024-03-19} }
Conference proceedings
- Mundinger, K., Pokutta, S., Spiegel, C., and Zimmer, M. (2024, April 8). Extending the Continuum of Six-Colorings. Proceedings of the Discrete Mathematics Days.
@inproceedings{2024_MundingerPokuttaSpiegelZimmer_SixcoloringsExpansion:1, year = {2024}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Discrete Mathematics Days}, url = {https://dmd2024.web.uah.es/files/abstracts/paper_27.pdf}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {2404.05509}, primaryclass = {math.CO}, author = {Mundinger, Konrad and Pokutta, Sebastian and Spiegel, Christoph and Zimmer, Max}, title = {Extending the Continuum of Six-Colorings}, date = {2024-04-08} }
Full articles
- Mundinger, K., Pokutta, S., Spiegel, C., and Zimmer, M. (2024). Extending the Continuum of Six-Colorings. Geombinatorics Quarterly, XXXIV.
@article{2024_MundingerPokuttaSpiegelZimmer_SixcoloringsExpansion, year = {2024}, journal = {Geombinatorics Quarterly}, date = {2024-07-01}, volume = {XXXIV}, url = {https://geombina.uccs.edu/past-issues/volume-xxxiv}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {2404.05509}, primaryclass = {math.CO}, author = {Mundinger, Konrad and Pokutta, Sebastian and Spiegel, Christoph and Zimmer, Max}, title = {Extending the Continuum of Six-Colorings} }
🔬 Projects
In this project, we study domain decomposition approaches for optimal control in gas transport networks. Our goal is to couple space-time-domain decomposition with machine learning and mixed-integer programming. We will develop NeTI (Network Tearing and Interconnection), a data-driven and physics-informed algorithm combining mixed-integer nonlinear programming, surrogate model learning, and graph decomposition strategies.
💬 Talks and posters
Research seminar talks
- Feb 2025
IOL Research Seminar (IOL), Berlin - May 2024
- Learning Operators Via Hypernetworks
Research Seminar Numerical Analysis of Stochastic and Deterministic Partial Differential Equations, Berlin
Poster presentations
- May 2024
- Neural Parameter Regression for Explicit Representations of PDE Solution Operators
Workshop on AI4DifferentialEquations in Science @ ICLR 2024, Vienna
📅 Event Attendance
- May 2025
- 7th DOxML Conference, Kyoto
- May 2024
- 12th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), Vienna
👨🏫 Teaching
- summer 2024
- Assistant for Analysis 1 and Linear Algebra for Engineers at TUB
- winter 2020
- Tutor for Analysis II for Engineers at TUB
- summer 2020
- Tutor for Probability Theory at TUB
- winter 2019
- Tutor for Analysis and Linear Algebra for Engineers at TUB
- summer 2019
- Tutor for Probability Theory at TUB
- winter 2018
- Tutor for Analysis II for Engineers at TUB
- summer 2018
- Tutor for Analysis I for Engineers at TUB
📝 Organization and outreach
- 2023
- Assisted in the organization of workshop for MATH+ Thematic Einstein Semester in Berlin