Konrad Mundinger

researcher at TUB starting 2023
doctoral candidate at TUB

📬 Contact

office Room 3027 at ZIB
e-mail mundinger (at) zib.de
mundinger (at) math.tu-berlin.de
languages German, English, Polish, and Spanish

🎓 Academic Background

Dec 2020 M.Sc. in Mathematics at TUB
Mar 2017 B.Sc. in Business Mathematics at TUB

🔬 Research

I currently work on (approximately) solving large-scale PDE-constrained optimization problems using dynamic programming and physics-informed neural networks. This brings together many of my research interests, which include but are not limited to: Continuous (convex) optimization, Stochastics, Control Theory, Numerics of PDEs, and (Scientific) machine learning.


  1. Mundinger, K., Zimmer, M., and Pokutta, S. (2024). Neural Parameter Regression for Explicit Representations of PDE Solution Operators. [arXiv]
      archiveprefix = {arXiv},
      eprint = {2403.12764},
      primaryclass = {cs.LG},
      year = {2024},
      author = {Mundinger, Konrad and Zimmer, Max and Pokutta, Sebastian},
      title = {Neural Parameter Regression for Explicit Representations of PDE Solution Operators}
  2. Mundinger, K., Pokutta, S., Spiegel, C., and Zimmer, M. (2024). Extending the Continuum of Six-Colorings. [arXiv]
      archiveprefix = {arXiv},
      eprint = {2404.05509},
      year = {2024},
      author = {Mundinger, Konrad and Pokutta, Sebastian and Spiegel, Christoph and Zimmer, Max},
      title = {Extending the Continuum of Six-Colorings}

👨‍🏫 Teaching

winter 2020
Tutor for Analysis II for Engineers at TUB
summer 2020
Tutor for Probability Theory at TUB
Tutor for Analysis and Linear Algebra for Engineers at TUB
summer 2019
Tutor for Probability Theory at TUB
winter 2018
Tutor for Analysis II for Engineers at TUB
summer 2018
Tutor for Analysis I for Engineers at TUB

📝 Organization

Assisted in the organization of workshop for MATH+ Thematic Einstein Semester in Berlin