Aldo Kiem

I am interested in applications of computers in mathematics. Currently, I am working on Razborov’s Flag Algebras in extremal combinatorics.

📬 Contact

Room 3105 at ZIB
German and English

🎓 Curriculum vitae

since 2022
Researcher at ZIB
Oct 2022
M.Sc. in Mathematics at FUB
B.Sc. in Mathematics at TUB

📝 Publications and preprints

Conference proceedings

  1. Kiem, A., Pokutta, S., and Spiegel, C. (2024). Categorification of Flag Algebras. Proceedings of Discrete Mathematics Days. [URL]
      year = {2024},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of Discrete Mathematics Days},
      url = {},
      author = {Kiem, Aldo and Pokutta, Sebastian and Spiegel, Christoph},
      title = {Categorification of Flag Algebras}
  2. Kiem, A., Pokutta, S., and Spiegel, C. (2024). The 4-color Ramsey Multiplicity of Triangles. Proceedings of Discrete Mathematics Days. [URL] [arXiv] [code]
      year = {2024},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of Discrete Mathematics Days},
      url = {},
      archiveprefix = {arXiv},
      eprint = {2312.08049},
      primaryclass = {math.CO},
      author = {Kiem, Aldo and Pokutta, Sebastian and Spiegel, Christoph},
      title = {The 4-color Ramsey Multiplicity of Triangles},
      code = {}

🔬 Projects

Scaling Up Flag Algebras in Combinatorics

This project aims to obtain new bounds in Extremal Combinatorics through an application of flag algebras. The goal is to both improve the underlying computational aspects for existing problems as well as to further develop the theory of flag algebras to extend it to new areas of application.

MATH+ EF1-21
Oct 2022 to Sep 2025

💬 Talks and posters

Conference and workshop talks

Jul 2024
The Four-Color Ramsey Multiplicity of Triangles
25th ISMP Conference, Montréal
Jul 2024
The Four-Color Ramsey Multiplicity of Triangles
13th DMD Conference, Alcalá de Henares
Jun 2023
The 4-color Ramsey Multiplicity of Triangles
FoCM 2023 Workshop I.3 Workshop, Paris

Research seminar talks

Jun 2024
Categorification of Flag Algebras
LIMDA Seminar, Barcelona
Feb 2024
Scaling Up Flag Algebras in Combinatorics
MATH+ Spotlight Seminar, Berlin
Nov 2022
Flag Algebras for Edge-colored Graphs
Research Seminar Combinatorics, Berlin

Poster presentations

Jul 2024
Categorification of Flag Algebras
13th DMD Conference, Alcalá de Henares


summer 2024
Tutor for Discrete Mathematics I at FUB

📝 Organization and outreach

Organization of the “What is …?” Seminar
Organization of the “What is …?” Seminar