Moritz Wagner
📬 Contact
- office
- Room 3027 at ZIB
- wagner (at) zib.de
🎓 Curriculum vitae
- since 2024
- Researcher at ZIB
- 2022 to 2024
- Research Assistant at ZIB
- Oct 2024
- M.Sc. at TUB
- Jun 2022
- B.Sc. at TUB
📝 Publications and preprints
Conference proceedings
- Sadiku, S., Wagner, M., and Pokutta, S. (2025). Group-wise Sparse and Explainable Adversarial Attacks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Representations.
@inproceedings{2023_SadikuWagnerPokutta_Groupwisesparseattacks, year = {2025}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Representations}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {2311.17434}, primaryclass = {cs.CV}, author = {Sadiku, Shpresim and Wagner, Moritz and Pokutta, Sebastian}, title = {Group-wise Sparse and Explainable Adversarial Attacks} }
- Sadiku, S., Wagner, M., Nagarajan, S. G., and Pokutta, S. (2025). S-CFE: Simple Counterfactual Explanations. Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics.
@inproceedings{2024_SadikuEtAl_Counterfactualexplanations, year = {2025}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {2410.15723}, primaryclass = {cs.LG}, author = {Sadiku, Shpresim and Wagner, Moritz and Nagarajan, Sai Ganesh and Pokutta, Sebastian}, title = {S-CFE: Simple Counterfactual Explanations} }