Christoph Graczyk
My research is devoted to the intersection of optimization techniques and machine learning, aiming to distill qualitative insights from the inherent optimality guarantees of traditional global optimization methods. I am currently developing MiniMIP, an open-source standalone Mixed Integer Linear Programming Solver, to seamlessly integrate machine learning applications with MIP solvers, and vice versa.
📬 Contact
- office
- Room 3024 at ZIB
- graczyk (at) zib.de
🎓 Curriculum vitae
- since 2020
- Member of BMS
- 2020 to 2025
- Researcher at ZIB
- May 2020
- M.Sc. in Mathematics in Finance and Industry at Technische Universität Braunschweig
- Mar 2017
- B.Sc. in Mathematics in Finance and Industry at Technische Universität Braunschweig
📝 Publications and preprints
- Bolusani, S., Besançon, M., Bestuzheva, K., Chmiela, A., Dionísio, J., Donkiewicz, T., van Doornmalen, J., Eifler, L., Ghannam, M., Gleixner, A., Graczyk, C., Halbig, K., Hedtke, I., Hoen, A., Hojny, C., van der Hulst, R., Kamp, D., Koch, T., Kofler, K., … Xu, L. (2024). The SCIP Optimization Suite 9.0 (ZIB Report No. 24-02-29). Zuse Institute Berlin.
@techreport{2024_BolusaniEtAl_Scip9, year = {2024}, institution = {Zuse Institute Berlin}, type = {ZIB Report}, month = feb, number = {24-02-29}, url = {https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-95528}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {2402.17702}, primaryclass = {math.OC}, author = {Bolusani, Suresh and Besançon, Mathieu and Bestuzheva, Ksenia and Chmiela, Antonia and Dionísio, João and Donkiewicz, Tim and van Doornmalen, Jasper and Eifler, Leon and Ghannam, Mohammed and Gleixner, Ambros and Graczyk, Christoph and Halbig, Katrin and Hedtke, Ivo and Hoen, Alexander and Hojny, Christopher and van der Hulst, Rolf and Kamp, Dominik and Koch, Thorsten and Kofler, Kevin and Lentz, Jurgen and Manns, Julian and Mexi, Gioni and Mühmer, Erik and Pfetsch, Marc and Schlösser, Franziska and Serrano, Felipe and Shinano, Yuji and Turner, Mark and Vigerske, Stefan and Weninger, Dieter and Xu, Liding}, title = {The SCIP Optimization Suite 9.0}, code = {https://scipopt.org} }
- Bestuzheva, K., Besançon, M., Chen, W.-K., Chmiela, A., Donkiewicz, T., van Doornmalen, J., Eifler, L., Gaul, O., Gamrath, G., Gleixner, A., Gottwald, L., Graczyk, C., Halbig, K., Hoen, A., Hojny, C., van der Hulst, R., Koch, T., Lübbecke, M., Maher, S. J., … Witzig, J. (2021). The SCIP Optimization Suite 8.0 (ZIB Report No. 21-41). Zuse Institute Berlin.
@techreport{2021_BestuzhevaEtAl_Scip8, year = {2021}, institution = {Zuse Institute Berlin}, type = {ZIB Report}, month = dec, number = {21-41}, url = {https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-85309}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {2112.08872}, primaryclass = {math.OC}, author = {Bestuzheva, Ksenia and Besançon, Mathieu and Chen, Wei-Kun and Chmiela, Antonia and Donkiewicz, Tim and van Doornmalen, Jasper and Eifler, Leon and Gaul, Oliver and Gamrath, Gerald and Gleixner, Ambros and Gottwald, Leona and Graczyk, Christoph and Halbig, Katrin and Hoen, Alexander and Hojny, Christopher and van der Hulst, Rolf and Koch, Thorsten and Lübbecke, Marco and Maher, Stephen J. and Matter, Frederic and Mühmer, Erik and Müller, Benjamin and Pfetsch, Marc and Rehfeld, Daniel and Schlein, Steffan and Schlösser, Franziska and Serrano, Felipe and Shinano, Yuji and Sofranac, Boro and Turner, Mark and Vigerske, Stefan and Wegscheider, Fabian and Wellner, Philipp and Weninger, Dieter and Witzig, Jakob}, title = {The SCIP Optimization Suite 8.0}, code = {https://scipopt.org} }
Full articles
- Bestuzheva, K., Besançon, M., Chen, W.-K., Chmiela, A., Donkiewicz, T., van Doornmalen, J., Eifler, L., Gaul, O., Gamrath, G., Gleixner, A., Gottwald, L., Graczyk, C., Halbig, K., Hoen, A., Hojny, C., van der Hulst, R., Koch, T., Lübbecke, M., Maher, S. J., … Witzig, J. (2023). Enabling Research Through the SCIP Optimization Suite 8.0. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software.
DOI: 10.1145/3585516
@article{2023_BestuzhevaEtAl_ResearchScip, year = {2023}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software}, doi = {10.1145/3585516}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {2303.07101}, primaryclass = {math.OC}, author = {Bestuzheva, Ksenia and Besançon, Mathieu and Chen, Wei-Kun and Chmiela, Antonia and Donkiewicz, Tim and van Doornmalen, Jasper and Eifler, Leon and Gaul, Oliver and Gamrath, Gerald and Gleixner, Ambros and Gottwald, Leona and Graczyk, Christoph and Halbig, Katrin and Hoen, Alexander and Hojny, Christopher and van der Hulst, Rolf and Koch, Thorsten and Lübbecke, Marco and Maher, Stephen J. and Matter, Frederic and Mühmer, Erik and Müller, Benjamin and Pfetsch, Marc and Rehfeld, Daniel and Schlein, Steffan and Schlösser, Franziska and Serrano, Felipe and Shinano, Yuji and Sofranac, Boro and Turner, Mark and Vigerske, Stefan and Wegscheider, Fabian and Wellner, Philipp and Weninger, Dieter and Witzig, Jakob}, title = {Enabling Research Through the SCIP Optimization Suite 8.0} }
🔬 Projects
MiniMIP is an open source, machine learning oriented Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) solver. We provide a range of interfaces for all aspects of solving MIPs (e.g. heuristics, cut generators, LP solvers), supplying users with a constant view of the internal state and allowing them to propose modifications that are integrated into the global state internally.
The performance of modern mixed-integer program solvers is highly dependent on a number of interdependent individual components. Using tools from machine learning, we intend to develop an integrated framework that is able to capture interactions of individual decisions made in these components with the ultimate goal to improve performance.
💬 Talks and posters
Conference and workshop talks
- Nov 2022
- Orthogonality-based Cut Selection
Let's SCIP it! (SCIP), Berlin - Oct 2022
- Orthogonality-based Cut Selection
INFORMS Annual Meeting (INFORMS), Indianapolis
Poster presentations
- Mar 2023
- Workshop on Optimization and Machine Learning, Waischenfeld
- Oct 2022
- Learning Primal Heuristics and Cut Selection in MIPs
📅 Event Attendance
- Oct 2022
- INFORMS Annual Meeting (INFORMS), Indianapolis
- Nov 2022
- Let's SCIP it! (SCIP), Berlin
- Mar 2023
- Workshop on Optimization and Machine Learning, Waischenfeld
- Sep 2023
- 5th Computational Optimization at Work (CO@Work), Berlin