
IOL Lab seminar 2019–2021
Seminar talks in the years 2019–2021, mostly joint with Combinatorial Optimization & Graph Algorithms group at Technical University Berlin
IOL Lab - COVID-19
Simple predictions for the spread of COVID-19 pandemic based on past data, not suitable for decision making.
IOL Lab - COVID-19 for Berlin
Simple predictions for the spread of COVID-19 pandemic in Berlin, not suitable for decision making
IOL Lab - COVID-19 in Berlin
Enfaches Vorhersagen des Verlaufs der COVID-19 Pandemie in Berlin, nur geignet für Unterstützung anderer Methoden.
IOL Lab - Guests and visitors
Guests and visitors of Laboratory for Interactive Optimization and Learning
IOL Lab - Home
Introducing Laboratory for Interactive Optimization and Learning
IOL Lab - Join us
The Laboratory for Interactive Optimization and Learning is continuously searching new members, here is information for how to voice your interest.
IOL Lab - Publications
List of publications by members of Laboratory for Interactive Optimization and Learning
IOL Lab - Research
Laboratory for Interactive Optimization and Learning focuses its research on optimization and learning with a wide perspective incorporating both traditional methods like conditional gradients and alternative computation models, as well as explainability of algorithmic outputs.
IOL Lab - Seminar
Seminar of the Interactive Optimization and Learning Lab at Technical University Berlin and Zuse Institute Berlin
IOL Lab - Team
A brief overview of members of Laboratory for Interactive Optimization and Learning
IOL Lab - Aldo Kiem
IOL Lab - Alexander Hoen
IOL Lab - Antonia Chmiela
IOL Lab - Arwed Steuer
IOL Lab - Berkant Turan
IOL Lab - Christoph Graczyk
IOL Lab - Christoph Spiegel
IOL Lab - Christophe Roux
IOL Lab - David Martínez-Rubio
IOL Lab - Deborah Hendrych
IOL Lab - Elias Wirth
IOL Lab - Felix Prause
IOL Lab - Gábor Braun
IOL Lab - Gabriele Iommazzo
IOL Lab - Gioni Mexi
IOL Lab - Jannis Halbey
IOL Lab - Julian Manns
IOL Lab - Kartikey Sharma
IOL Lab - Konrad Mundinger
IOL Lab - Ksenia Bestuzheva
IOL Lab - Lara Glessen
IOL Lab - Leon Eifler
IOL Lab - Liding Xu
IOL Lab - Max Zimmer
IOL Lab - Mohammed Ghannam
IOL Lab - Patrick Gelß
IOL Lab - Sai Ganesh Nagarajan
IOL Lab - Sebastian Knebel
IOL Lab - Sebastian Pokutta
IOL Lab - Sébastien Designolle
IOL Lab - Shpresim Sadiku
IOL Lab - Steven-Marian Stengl
IOL Lab - Suresh Bolusani
IOL Lab - Ye-Chao Liu
IOL Lab - Yves Jäckle
IOL Lab - Zev Woodstock
IOL Lab - Continuous Optimization
IOL Lab - Integer Optimization
IOL Lab - Robust and Explainable Learning
IOL Lab - Computational Mathematics
IOL Lab - Quantum Mathematics